

Why I created AFLO HEALTH, Inc.

This is a cause that lies close to my heart for so many different reasons.

I decided to create AFLO as a result of what I’ve seen in medical practice. I’ve worked in healthcare for 15 years and noticed a wide range of health problems (reproductive health and autoimmune disorders, cancers, mental health crisis, etc) affecting black women. I wanted to understand why this was happening and if there was any way to prevent it.

I was curious as a researcher and healthcare professional, but most importantly I was curious as a mom to three young daughters. The protector in me always wants to shield them from harm and set them up for success in life. I believe the most important thing to achieve this is being healthy. Let’s face it, you can have a billion dollars in the bank, live in the biggest house, go to the most exclusive places, but it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have your health.

The seeds and roots to most health problems are usually planted early, and can start at a much younger age.

In researching and learning more, I realized that even though these problems seem to manifest out of thin air, many health issues show signs way before they are diagnosed and definitely before they become unmanageable.

This led me to ask, what if there was a way to get to the root of these issues and stop them even before they start? The answer I came to was educating our girls about their bodies and the mind-body connection as early as we can.

A lot of the mainstream information that we get about what is healthy, actually excludes us.

By us, I mean black girls and women of childbearing age. Something else that is often excluded from the conversation is education around our history as black women in this country and how it ties to our health. How society views and treats us directly correlates to how we view ourselves and treat each other. Ancestral and generational trauma also unconsciously shapes self-esteem. I want to guide black girls to getting a better understanding of all of this, which will enable them to make healthier life choices.

I believe that I was put on this earth to plant seeds of positivity.

As I plant them and watch them cultivate and grow through learning and sharing, I’m hoping to reap the fruits of my labor. That fruit is healthy, strong, confident black girls becoming healthy, strong, confident black women that go out into this world and do good things for themselves and for others.

Yours Sincerely,

Lisa Monroe
Founder of Aflo Health, Inc.

Lisa Monroe is the founder and creator of Aflo Health, Inc. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from James Madison University and became a certified physician assistant after obtaining her master’s degree in Clinical Medical Sciences from Barry University in 2007. Lisa then completed her postgraduate PA Residency in emergency medicine at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in 2010. Lisa has practiced emergency medicine at various hospitals throughout the Bay Area including: UCSF, Regional Medical Center and John Muir Walnut Creek. Since 2012, Lisa has worked as a physician assistant at Wilma Chan Highland Hospital in the Emergency Department, Women’s Health Services and Gynecology Oncology clinics. She has served as the co-director of the Highland ER Advanced Practitioner Education Program and is a trained forensics examiner for the Alameda County Sexual Assault Response Team. In 2023, she joined the Alameda County Health Pipeline Partnership team and became the lead trainer for the Health Coach and Community Health Worker Apprenticeship programs. She is also an adjunct professor at Chabot Las Positas Community College. She currently lives in Oakland, CA with her husband and three daughters.

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