


Does talking about puberty with your child make you uncomfortable?

Don’t worry, you are not alone. As our girls grow up, this can be an uncomfortable discussion for both adults and children. I know it was a big hurdle for me to overcome with my three daughters. That is why I created this program. As a parent, I understand the importance of creating a safe network where our children can get reliable information.

Helping your kids understand their bodies will help them make good decisions about their health.

We will explore their transition into puberty with lessons taught in an open, fun and healthy way. We will teach them what they need to know to feel prepared, unafraid and have a better understanding of the changes happening with their bodies and minds.This is a safe space for them to ask questions while having fun and connecting with other girls their age.

When is it the right time to talk about it with my child?

Talking about periods shouldn’t be only one “big talk” at a particular age. Which topics are discussed and when depends on a child’s age and level of development. We respect the evolving nature of maturing and adolescent changes. That is why we separate girls by age groups to allow room for age appropriate discussions in a safe environment.

Program Age Groups


This program is recommended for girls ages 8 to 10 years old, just beginning their journey. We introduce the basics of anatomy, reproduction and menstruation with age appropriate images and language.

Next Program Will Start Spring 2024


This program is recommended for girls ages 11 to 13 years old. The program is designed for girls that have reached menarche (their first period) or are close to starting. We review the basics, but also go into more depth on menstruation preparation.

Next Program Spring 2024


This program is recommended for girls 14 years or older. The course is designed for teens that are already familiar with menstruating and dives deeper into understanding challenges and concerns of being a menstruating individual. We focus on lifestyle choices and behaviors that promote a healthy menstrual cycle.

Next Program Will Start Spring 2024
